Microsoft Research JavaScript Cryptography Library

The Microsoft Research JavaScript Cryptography Library has been developed for use with cloud services in an HTML5 compliant and forward-looking manner. The algorithms are exposed via the W3C WebCrypto interface, and are tested against the Internet Explorer 11 implementation of that interface. The library currently supports RSA encrypt/decrypt (PKCS#1 v1.5, OAEP, and PSS), AES-CBC and GCM encrypt/decrypt, SHA-256/384/512, HMAC with supported hash functions, PRNG (AES-CTR based) as specified by NIST, ECDH, ECDSA, and KDF (Concat mode). The W3C WebCrypto interface does not yet implement promises. The library is tested on IE8,9,10,11, and latest Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari browsers. This library includes big number integer arithmetic to support the aforementioned cryptographic algorithms. It supports unsigned big integer arithmetic with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reduction, inversion, GCD, extended Euclidean algorithm (EEA), Montgomery multiplication, ...

How to Write 3v1L, Untestable Code

This guide lists principles that will help you write impossible to tests code. Or, avoiding these techniques will help you write code that can be tested

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